
Isaiah 1–39 is unavailable, but you can change that!

This unique commentary allows the interpretation of Isaiah 1-39 to be guided by the final form of the whole book of Isaiah. It focuses on the theological aspects of Isaiah, giving special attention to the role of literary context. Christopher Seitz explores structural and organizational concerns as clues to the editorial intention of the final form of the material, which he argues is both...

Most interpreters distinguish two basic forms for call narratives in the Old Testament. One is dominated by the word of God (so Moses, Gideon, Jeremiah), the other by a theophany. Isaiah would belong to this second category and also 2 Kings 22:19–20. Isaiah 6 is a prophetic commissioning within the framework of throne scene. The constituent elements of this type of call account include the description of the vision, cry of distress, cleansing ritual, divine consultation, free declaration
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